
Friday, 20 December 2013

BIG Christmas Art Project! || Update 5

Hey everyone! You may have noticed that there wasn't a post yesterday, I feel like i've let myself down, as the idea of "Blogmas" is to blog every day, but to make up for it, there will be two blog posts going up tonight.
Basically, I had planned to do this post yesterday, but then my brother took really not well, and got rushed to hospital, and I had to look after my sisters, and the last thing on my mind was my blog. So yeah, that's why there was no post.
But shall we get onto today's one?

Today is the last of the updates from this project (previous update here). I finished the painting, finally, and I'm so pleased with the result of it! (I may add better quality photos of this painting later, on a professional camera), but here we go!

Look at the mess!!

A little close up for you all

As my theme is "Journeys" I decided to make it even more relevant, and add a very light map in the background in greys, purples and blues, to harmonize with the road itself. 

and this is the finished piece! It's pretty hard to see the map in the background, but i'm still proud of it, none the less!

So yeah, a little bit late, but this is blogmas day 19! 


  1. Just stalking through your blog, I absolutely love this! You have such a a talent! No wonder you got into art school, you really had nothing to worry about! Do you have a blog specifically for your artwork because I would love to follow if you do! tweet me @xx_laurabeth as I never manage to find comment replies! Great blog :) I'm following you through bloglovin xx

    1. Thank you so much Laura! That means so much to me! Currently I do not have a blog for my artwork, but i'll let you know if I make one! x
