
Friday, 25 April 2014


So, the craziest thing happened to me yesterday.. (Aside from it being my last ever official day at school - there will be a blog post tomorrow/Sunday all about that, and also about the paintballing my year did today)

I had gone up with my portfolio full of my weird, stupid ideas, which when I compared to others' work made me even more pessimistic about getting into Dundee. There's tonnes and tones and tonnes of applicants, from all around the globe, and only 170 places in the whole of 1st year. I kept comparing my work to everyone else's.. 'It's nowhere near as good!' I cried to my mum 'I'm not going to get in!' She just kept saying 'Erin, stop being so negative.. You will get in.' Of course I didn't believe her..
However, I opened my email today to find out that I had an email from UCAS (oh the fear that runs through you when that 'Dear Miss Docherty, something has changed on your application' email comes through. Anyone else get absolutely terrified when it comes through?) I was so positive that it was going to be a rejection that despite being surrounded by people, didn't mention the email, as I logged onto UCAS. I was prepared to be rejected , so you can imagine the shock on my face (I actually gasped out loud) when I logged onto UCAS to find this...

YESSSSSSSSSSS! I got an unconditional offer to ART SCHOOL! My top choice! It's been a dream of mine for years to go to art school. I worked so hard on my portfolio this year, so after getting rejected from both Glasgow and Edinburgh Art Schools, I was feeling pretty bummed, and had basically given up on Art School... If I couldn't get into those art schools, Dundee obviously wouldn't want me, right?
After an interview I got offered a place at Edinburgh Napier, and after a mix up of folios, I also got an unconditional to Glasgow Caledonian University, so I knew I was going somewhere, and I was happy about that, but in the back of my mind I still dreamed of art school. So to get this offer it honestly means the world to me, I'm on cloud 9, I couldn't be happier. I couldn't stop crying! One of my best friends started to cry when I told her because she was so happy for me, and that really tugged on my heart strings , I'm tearing up a little as I write this, so I'll probably just end this diary-style entry here.
Basically to summarise, I got into art school, something I 100% though wasn't going to happen, and I'm over the moon, and felt the need to share it with all of you lovely readers! If you've got this far through my ramble, thank you! (and well done!) Sorry if I bored you! I'll talk to you tomorrow!

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