
Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Disposable Camera | Part 1

Hey everyone! Over the past few months i've got really into disposable cameras. I used to use them al the time as a child (before digital cameras were around!) but I hadn't touched them since. However, I do love the idea of physical copies of things, and what's better than a good old, authentic, caught in the moment photo? I love that they aren't the best quality, and you can't edit them, so they really are a true snapshot of that moment in time! With that in mind, i've decided to start a new series on my blog called "Disposable Camera Adventures", where i'm going to be posting the photo's i've taken. Now i'm warning you in advance, these are not the greatest photos in the world, and some won't make sense to you, but they all have a special meaning in my heart. So without further ado, let's go! 

The first photo I took on a disposable camera in years! I visited the runs of the Roman Bath house in my hometown of Bearsden with one of my close friends Cara. History really interests me, particularly the Romans, so this was right up my street!
Taken in Dundee. I went to a child's play park with two of my uni friends, and we had a blast! It was fun acting like little kids for a bit, just being silly, and enjoying ourselves! This is me on the flying fox.

Another photo at the play park. This is me (on the left), and Helen (right) on one of those climbing frames. Believe it or not, it was actually pretty high, and hard to get up to! I can't believe little kids don't hurt themselves on it!

I walked past this door one day in Dundee, on my favourite street (see photo later on) and I loved it! I loved the vibrant yellow against the stone wall, so of course that was getting captured on camera!

Another photo of Dundee. This is of a park. It has a bandstand in the middle, and it's so tranquil here. I've came here a few times now and it's just great for thinking, and spending time with friends. A really nice place.

This is a view of the park I mentioned in the last photo, but it gives you a better idea of how big and peaceful this space is. 

As I mentioned in the yellow door photo, I have a favourite street in Dundee, and this is it! This photo doesn't do it much justice but it's a really long, narrow, cobbled street with little doors in the wall. What's better? It's called 'Strawberry Bank'. I think it is really beautiful, and I feel a sense of calm when i'm here. (Oh, it also leads to the park.)

I went to the Botanic Garden's in Dundee with Helen and Rachel and Rachel took this very artsy shot of me walking down a stone path. I love this shot, as it really captures just how beautiful my surroundings were.

Another shot of the Botanic Gardens, this time an adorable river with a cute little bridge to cross over. I thought this was so picturesque. 

The same shot of the cobbled path but this time without me in it. I really love this, and I would love to have something similar to this in my back garden!

(l-r) Rachel, Myself, Helen. This is a shameless selfie that we took while we were at the Botanic Gardens. We just wanted to capture this moment, an unplanned day out with some great people. 

There was a greenhouse in the Botanic Gardens, and in it was a pond, with fish in it. You can't really see the fish in this, but it looked beautiful.

Trees! This was also in the greenhouse, but I just loved how it was full of trees, and so captivating! It made me feel like I was in the Amazon Rainforest!
 So that's part one! Stay tuned for part two coming soon!
Thanks for reading!

If you wish to contact me, my email is:


  1. I love disposable cameras! I had one for my trip to Hawaii and loved those photos! It's better than instagram could ever do.

    Rachael at

    1. I totally agree! Its a much more personal and unique way of capturing perfect moments! X
