
Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Best Photography App Ever? || A Colour Story

For a while I totally went off Instagram. I just wasn't ever going onto it, and I rarely posted photos. It became so neglected on my phone! However, recently i've become obsessed again and it's all due to a new app i've discovered!
The app is called 'A Colour Story' and it's by the lovely ladies over at 'A Beautiful Mess'. I've absolutely adored their blog for years, and their photos are so beautiful, so when I found out they released an app, I was ecstatic, i'm not going to lie. As soon as it was available on Android (yes, I don't have an iPhone) I downloaded it. Within a mere hour or so of playing around with the free filters I decided I was obsessed. I loved it so much that I actually paid the money to get all the filters (the core app is free by the way). I just wanted to really do this post to talk about my love for the app. Below i've included some before and after shots of photos i've edited (i've also included my Instagram, which you should definitely follow!)

MY INSTAGRAM: @youfounderin

Aren't the filters beautiful?
Thanks for reading!
(Just a side note, I might not be posting much at all, if anything, over the next three months as I will be in America. I did a post here which explains it all. You can follow my adventures over on though)

If you wish to contact me, my email is:


  1. I love discovering photography apps. There's so many and you can do so much with them. Also, high five for also not having an iphone, android all the way :)


    1. Hey, same name twins!
      Yeah, I love discovering them too, there's so many amazing ones, but this one is by far my favourite!
      And yes, Android definitely!
