My Etsy Wishlist

July 30, 2013

I've been a lover of "Etsy", the online website for quite some time now, but I am yet to actually buy something from here. Why? Because the items are so expensive, that I couldn't possibly afford them! Or, if they're a reasonable price, I keep managing to convince myself that I don't need them..

I do constantly visit the site just to have a little nosy, and decide which item's I would love to have it I had the money, and i've put together a little wishlist for you to enjoy!

(Red romantic musical iphone case)
(Personalised striped iphone case)
(Newsprint butterfly iphone case)
Despite not actually owning an iphone (i know, it's shocking..), I am in love with these cases. I actually adore every single one of them, and I can't pick a favourite! If I get an iphone, and these are still in stock, I will probably buy all three of them..

(Harry Potter Deathly Hallows ipod 5th generation case)
(Word art sign)
(I heart rain mug)
(Snow White Wallet)
(Business Card holder)
I love this so much aha!

(Gold/Silver/Rose Gold infinity bracelet)
(Bicycle book ends)
(Channeling Coco nail polish)

(The Lion King tote bag)
(Pencil holder)
(Paris laptop case)
(Guitar Pick)
I don't even play guitar, but how cute is this?!
(Strawberry Shaped Crayons)
I definitely do not need these, but they are the cutest things I have ever seen.
So that's a few items on Etsy that I am in love with, and for the majority, i've loved for a long time. I had great fun making this post, and I hope you enjoy reading it. You get a bit more insight into what kind of items I like, and what style I have.
If you've been living under a rock and haven't heard of Etsy,  take a look at the site here . You will not be disappointed.

youfounderin x

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